
Sonam Kapoor, who has stepped into the shoes of Rekha for the remake version of 'Khoobsurat', says she cannot do justice to what the veteran actress did in the original film.'Khoobsurat' is the remake of Hrishikesh Mukherjee's cult comedy which featured Rekha in the lead role and Sonam is aware that her version will draw comparisons with the old classic."I don't think I can do justice to what Rekha has done. This film is an ode to Hrishikesh Mukherjee's filmmaking," Sonam, 29, told reporter here at the trailer launch of the film."There are very few films that have been wholesome entertainers and have great value. Hrishikesh Mukherjee's films appealed to all as they were fun films with a message. Today such films are made by Raju Hirani," Sonam said.She thinks the 1980 release will be relevant even now as things like love, happiness and family values remain the same. In the film, Sonam plays Mili, a spirited young girl, whocreates ripples in an order-crazy royal family. "I am more like this character in real life. This is my personality. Rhea (her sister who has produced the film) and Shashanka (director) have taken a lot of me in this film. They have exposed my life completely," Sonam said.The film is set to release on September 19 and Sonam is nervous as well as excited about it."It is a huge responsibility but it was exciting to work on this film," Sonam said. The movie marks the Bollywood debut of popular Pakistani actor-singer Fawad Khan. The original film had Rakesh Roshan as the male lead.The film also stars Kirron Kher, Ratna Pathak and others. It is produced by Disney, Sonam's sister Rhea Kapoor and her father Anil Kapoor and is directed by Shashanka Ghosh.


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